1.   Resolutions are not binding on Southern Baptists.

2.   The budget resolution is not binding, he noted, and Democrats would look for opportunities in the appropriations process to restore their priorities.

3.   The resolution is not binding on any Southern Baptist congregation.

4.   The Senate resolution was not binding, and the avenue remains closed to vehicles, blocked at both ends by concrete barriers.

5.   Approval would be largely symbolic as assembly resolutions are not binding.

6.   General Assembly resolutions are not binding.

7.   Its resolutions are legally binding, and it can authorize the use of force.

8.   Neither resolution would be binding on the Bush administration or the four American members of the International Olympic Committee.

9.   Once adopted, the resolution will be binding on all countries, he said.

10.   Security Council resolutions are legally binding.

n. + bind >>共 392
decision 5.73%
agreement 4.11%
law 4.00%
ruling 2.59%
rule 2.49%
treaty 2.38%
contract 2.16%
resolution 1.95%
vote 1.95%
flight 1.30%
resolution + v. >>共 352
be 21.14%
call 8.05%
say 3.51%
have 2.43%
authorize 2.34%
demand 2.29%
come 2.16%
require 2.11%
urge 1.98%
give 1.84%
bind 0.81%
每页显示:    共 18