protein be 7.44   Proteins can be fragile.
  protein cause 1.38   A misshaped protein can cause damage or disease.
  protein have 1.18   It now seems clear that proteins have multiple roles.
  protein work 0.86   The order of these amino acids influences how the protein works.
  protein bind 0.72   These compounds are lipid soluble and therefore highly protein bound in the plasma.
  protein do 0.72   Proteins do the work.
  protein call 0.59   A Jekyll-and-Hyde protein called a prion, invisible to all but an electron microscope.
  protein become 0.53   The critical proteins become scarce.
  protein form 0.53   In our bodies, proteins form the muscles, ligaments, skin and hair.
  protein play 0.53   The protein plays a key role in protecting blood vessels.
  protein appear 0.46   Individually, the proteins appear to do no damage.
  protein fold 0.46   Scientists know that proteins fold into precise shapes.
  protein find 0.39   The research team has made it clear that the protein found inmara khi nokdoes not kill HIV.
  protein miss 0.39   Further research showed that the protein was indeed missing.
  protein stimulate 0.39   These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells.
  protein help 0.33   The protein helps muscles grow and repair themselves when damaged.
  protein accumulate 0.26   The proteins accumulate, eventually forming the clumps and holes characteristic of Creutzfeldt-Jakob.
  protein build_up 0.26   Misfolded proteins build up, like trash clogging an alleyway.
  protein interact 0.26   Proteins interact with one another and with the DNA of the genes in complex regulatory pathways.
  protein lower 0.26   Scientists have long known that substituting soy protein can lower cholesterol in lab animals.
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