decision bind 3.49   Its decision is binding.
  agreement bind 2.50   The agreement is not binding.
  law bind 2.44   The U.S. is bound by law to help Taiwan defend itself.
  ruling bind 1.58   Her ruling is binding.
  rule bind 1.51   Under the new proposals, the rules would be binding.
  treaty bind 1.45   That treaty now binds Russia.
  contract bind 1.32   The contract is legally binding.
  resolution bind 1.18   Tunisia wanted the resolution to be binding.
  vote bind 1.18   The vote binds no one.
  flight bind 0.79   He was subsequently declared deported and put on a Romanian Tarom flight bound for London.
  recommendation bind 0.79   The recommendations are binding on the district.
  protein bind 0.72   These compounds are lipid soluble and therefore highly protein bound in the plasma.
  referendum bind 0.66   The referendum is binding.
  tradition bind 0.59   Pashtuns are a deeply tribal people bound by tradition.
  hand bind 0.53   Hands bound behind them, the Chinese were dragged to the local meeting hall.
  plane bind 0.53   ...a Russian plane bound for Berlin.
  promise bind 0.53   Syria has insisted the promise is binding.
  proposal bind 0.53   Even if it had, Boeing said, shareholder proposals are not binding.
  deal bind 0.46   The deal is not binding on Bloomberg.
  guideline bind 0.46   The negotiating guidelines are not binding on either Labor or Likud.
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