11.   For these reasons, mental health practitioners are eager to treat pregnant women, even to prescribe antidepressants throughout all three trimesters of pregnancy as well as during breast-feeding.

12.   Good practitioners are in demand.

13.   Health officials worry that practitioners may not be aware of the dangers or how to prevent them.

14.   If the practitioner is stingy with information, go somewhere else.

15.   If you want to know what are the best gambles and which practitioners can be trusted, your first stop should be your regular doctor.

16.   In the novel, its main practitioner is the ludicrous Comrade Johnny, the erstwhile husband of Frances, the character at the center of the book.

17.   In turn, practitioners are reticent to divulge their use of the mercury to researchers.

18.   It is no secret that television news is packaged entertainment and its practitioners are, willy-nilly, entertainers.

19.   Its practitioners must be shrewd, practical and a little visionary.

20.   Its practitioners are predictably enthusiastic.

n. + be >>共 1635
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
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practitioner 0%
practitioner + v. >>共 176
be 14.80%
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use 3.35%
believe 1.96%
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prescribe 1.40%
argue 1.12%
call 1.12%
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