11.   Peel the pears, then slice each in half lengthwise from the stem end.

12.   Simply peel the pears -- one per person -- and eat them with pecans or walnuts and, if you like, a chunk of bread.

13.   Using a vegetable peeler or a paring knife, peel the pears, and rub the outside with cut lemons to prevent them from turning brown.

14.   With a vegetable parer, peel the pears.

v. + pear >>共 68
peel 11.97%
slice 5.13%
add 4.27%
eat 4.27%
place 4.27%
arrange 3.42%
drain 2.56%
hold 2.56%
poach 2.56%
remove 2.56%
peel + n. >>共 175
potato 10.05%
eye 6.47%
paint 5.96%
onion 3.92%
orange 3.75%
skin 2.56%
apple 2.39%
pear 2.39%
layer 2.21%
cucumber 2.04%
每页显示:    共 14