11.   Sprinkle with parsley leaves.

12.   Sprinkle with parsley leaves and serve with warm pita bread.

13.   Top with a cooked shrimp half and a parsley leaf.

14.   Using the spatula, carefully slide the omelet onto a plate and garnish it with the parsley leaves.

n. + leaf >>共 345
lettuce 6.65%
tea 6.31%
basil 5.89%
coca 5.82%
mint 4.92%
banana 4.50%
tobacco 3.33%
lime 2.22%
palm 2.01%
cilantro 1.87%
parsley 0.97%
parsley + n. >>共 26
sprig 18.52%
leaf 17.28%
salad 7.41%
stem 7.41%
flake 6.17%
oil 6.17%
mixture 3.70%
sauce 3.70%
butter 2.47%
garnish 2.47%
每页显示:    共 14