91.   And antitrust experts say the courts may be skeptical about must-carry provisions because once the precedent is established for one product it could extend to many others.

92.   And courts have been sympathetic to companies that want to put a stop to the disruption that junk e-mail causes.

93.   And if the court were to send the matter to the legislature here, as it did in Vermont, the couples will meet a less than hospitable environment.

94.   And the court is aware that we believe that that is clearly, under Florida law, a judicial question to be decided de novo.

95.   And now the courts are about to perform something like American constitutional functions.

96.   And the court itself would be vulnerable to the criticism that it was pursuing small fry while the biggest fish had escaped it.

97.   And the courts are likely to understand that.

98.   And the Florida court was an unknown quantity to most Americans until last week.

99.   And then there will be the courts.

100.   And there is no indication that the court is poised to reconsider whether independent issue-oriented advertising campaigns are protected First Amendment activities.

n. + be >>共 1635
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company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
court 0.08%
court + v. >>共 467
rule 8.88%
say 7.74%
be 5.61%
order 4.02%
have 3.53%
find 2.67%
decide 2.48%
reject 2.43%
hear 2.38%
uphold 2.34%
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