1.   The presence of HAPCs was suggestive of normal colonic function.

2.   These findings would suggest that an interplay of various intraluminal factors, including bile acids themselves, may affect colonic function.

3.   Manometry distinguishes between myopathy, neuropathy, and normal colonic function.

4.   Restorative proctocolectomy is a useful operation for ulcerative colitis, familial adenomatous polyposis, and some diseases where colonic function is severely disturbed.

5.   This is partly because of the marked variability of colonic motor function and the short recording periods usually used, generally not exceeding three hours.

6.   The genesis of abdominal pain or disordered bowel habit is generally ascribed to abnormal colonic motor function.

a. + function >>共 772
bodily 2.95%
official 2.74%
basic 2.55%
public 2.46%
important 2.28%
social 2.25%
same 1.91%
different 1.82%
normal 1.82%
liver 1.79%
colonic 0.49%
colonic + n. >>共 89
mucosa 8.83%
motility 5.98%
cell 5.70%
cancer 4.84%
function 4.56%
carcinoma 4.27%
inflammation 3.70%
disease 3.70%
epithelium 2.85%
crypt 2.85%
每页显示:    共 16