1.   Results Deposits of formazan were found in the colonic epithelium, vascular endothelium, and infiltrating mononuclear cells.

2.   The two patients in whom B antigen was not expressed in the biliary epithelium showed B antigen in colonic epithelium, although this was focal in only one.

3.   Luminal free fatty acids and bile acids may damage the colonic epithelium and stimulate proliferation, which may increase the risk of colon cancer.

4.   Deposits of formazan were found in the colonic epithelium, vascular endothelium, and infiltrating mononuclear cells.

5.   There was no difference between the degree of nitroblue tetrazolium deposit and the degree of tissue inflammation in the colonic epithelium.

6.   The colonic epithelium is in continuous contact with potentially carcinogenic compounds, which enter the body usually as part of the diet.

7.   Six of the biopsy specimens were found to show immunostaining for epoxide hydrolase in colonic epithelium.

8.   Biochemical studies of normal colonic epithelium have shown that several different xenobiotic metabolising enzymes have a low activity in colonic epithelium.

a. + epithelium >>共 25
colonic 14.29%
gastric 12.86%
olfactory 11.43%
surface 11.43%
biliary 8.57%
intestinal 7.14%
gastrointestinal 2.86%
metaplastic 2.86%
normal 2.86%
rectal 2.86%
colonic + n. >>共 89
mucosa 8.83%
motility 5.98%
cell 5.70%
cancer 4.84%
function 4.56%
carcinoma 4.27%
inflammation 3.70%
disease 3.70%
epithelium 2.85%
crypt 2.85%
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