1.   But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to accomplish their communicative purpose.

2.   Simply removing this stress can, in many instances, restore an individual to normal function without any other therapy being required.

3.   The presence of HAPCs was suggestive of normal colonic function.

4.   All had normal liver function tests.

5.   This particular patient had normal liver function tests and was in remission on sulphasalazine therapy only.

6.   Manometry distinguishes between myopathy, neuropathy, and normal colonic function.

7.   An intact autonomic nervous supply to the bowel is essential for normal function.

a. + function >>共 772
bodily 2.95%
official 2.74%
basic 2.55%
public 2.46%
important 2.28%
social 2.25%
same 1.91%
different 1.82%
normal 1.82%
liver 1.79%
normal + n. >>共 1752
life 6.25%
level 2.52%
trade 2.32%
circumstance 2.29%
relation 1.88%
time 1.84%
operation 1.83%
procedure 1.31%
activity 1.30%
condition 1.29%
function 0.62%
每页显示:    共 60