1.   Pregnant women should avoid certain foods such as raw eggs.

2.   Pregnant women should avoid strenuous exercise.

3.   At first, Isner hoped that the treatment would allow the woman to avoid an amputation.

4.   A case in point is Japan, where the population is rapidly aging but young women are avoiding child-bearing.

5.   But they advised women to avoid high doses, and to choose supplements with the beta carotene form of Vitamin A.

6.   But with mifepristone still a distant prospect, most American women are avoiding medical abortions.

7.   By taking progestin with estrogen, postmenopausal women avoided cell overgrowth.

8.   For instance, pregnant women should avoid any massage or treatment that uses aromatherapy oils, which are highly concentrated and have unknown effects on pregnancy.

9.   However, before giving birth, it is no longer considered necessary for a woman to avoid such foods if she is planning to breast- feed.

10.   It undermines services by which women avoid unwanted pregnancies.

n. + avoid >>共 920
people 4.16%
company 3.71%
government 2.66%
investor 2.52%
step 1.81%
official 1.67%
pain 1.26%
bank 1.09%
country 1.06%
side 1.02%
woman 0.95%
woman + v. >>共 741
be 16.10%
have 5.69%
say 3.10%
wear 1.55%
die 1.47%
take 1.44%
go 1.18%
come 1.15%
do 1.12%
make 1.11%
avoid 0.09%
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