1.   Other countries avoided the unpleasant side effects of reprocessing by storing the used fuel in dry stores.

2.   But in the years before that occurs, both countries will avoid confrontations over rights in the U.N. forum.

3.   But the five countries avoided tougher measures like a renewed threat of air strikes.

4.   In East Asia, the most successful countries avoided socialism and, in the case of South Korea and Taiwan, flirted with fascism.

5.   Last month, the countries avoided tit-for-tat sanctions, with Beijing promising to do more to protect U.S. products from illegal copying in China.

6.   Last month, the countries avoided tit-for-tat sanctions, signing an agreement over intellectual-property-rights protection.

7.   One of the most articulate advocates of this line is Congolese President Pascal Lissouba, whose country narrowly avoided a full-blown civil war earlier this decade.

8.   Some analysts see the gains as a sign the country could still avoid a recession.

9.   The country has avoided calamity over the past year, remaining far more stable than many had expected.

10.   The country avoided the worst of the Depression with help from relatively stable cotton prices, and independent and luxury names sold well.

n. + avoid >>共 920
people 4.16%
company 3.71%
government 2.66%
investor 2.52%
step 1.81%
official 1.67%
pain 1.26%
bank 1.09%
country 1.06%
side 1.02%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
avoid 0.11%
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