people avoid 8.03   Most people avoided the train.
  company avoid 7.18   The company avoids modern updating, perhaps wisely.
  government avoid 5.13   The government has avoided firing whites.
  investor avoid 4.87   Q. Should investors avoid software?
  step avoid 3.49   Edwards has taken steps to avoid that.
  official avoid 3.23   Police officials avoid discussing security.
  pain avoid 2.44   Most people take pains to avoid nettles.
  bank avoid 2.11   While other banks avoided the bonds, Banespa bought them.
  country avoid 2.04   The country usually avoids negative internal reports.
  side avoid 1.97   GM was pleased that the two sides avoided a strike.
  leader avoid 1.91   Church leaders have mostly avoided taking positions.
  player avoid 1.91   Players might avoid me.
  woman avoid 1.84   Pregnant women should avoid strenuous exercise.
  administration avoid 1.71   The Clinton administration avoided sea-based and space-based systems.
  action avoid 1.45   They took evasive action to avoid capture.
  man avoid 1.45   Men can avoid it far more easily.
  parent avoid 1.38   Parents must avoid being judgmental.
  economy avoid 1.32   The U.S. economy has avoided a recession.
  team avoid 1.32   This team avoided that abyss.
  way avoid 1.32   The Legislature is still looking for a way to avoid the issue.
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