1.   Historically, weapon sales have jumped during legislative debate of gun-ownership controls and before any new restrictions become law.

2.   The arrangement did not therefore, according to the French, constitute a weapons sale.

3.   The attempt to impose stricter limits on arms exports followed criticism at the time of the Gulf War of German weapons sales to Iraq over a long period.

4.   Arms control advocates expressed surprise at the figures but cautioned that they might show only a brief hiatus in larger American weapons sales.

5.   A recent report on the pro-Kremlin strana.ru news Web site described Kaliningrad as a center of the illicit drug trade, smuggling, and illegal weapons sales.

6.   A U.S. senator on Tuesday introduced legislation that would crack down on weapons sales on the Internet.

7.   Across Europe, Russian gangs are involved in drug trafficking, weapons sales, computer fraud, car theft, prostitution and scores of other crimes.

8.   Accusations against him and Mitterrand stem from alleged weapons sales to the west African nation of Angola.

9.   After assuming office, Bush angered the Chinese leadership by his push for a missile-defense system and weapons sales to Taiwan.

10.   Albright offered clearer guidelines, discussing the progress Washington would like to see in the human rights, weapons sales and trade areas.

n. + sale >>共 602
retail 11.75%
ticket 5.51%
arm 4.33%
car 3.47%
oil 3.32%
bond 3.14%
asset 2.74%
export 2.63%
auto 2.29%
share 2.07%
weapon 1.27%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
每页显示:    共 173