1.   He praised the excellent work of the U.N. weapons inspectors.

2.   In early July UN chemical weapons inspectors led by US Maj. Karen Jansen had been refused entry to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Baghdad.

3.   United Nations weapons inspectors have arrived in Iraq but have been denied access to search government ministries.

4.   TWO teams of UN weapons inspectors joined forces yesterday in an apparent hunt for Scud missiles which the United Nations suspects Iraq is hiding.

5.   Although Saddam eventually allowed the weapons inspectors to return, no one doubts he is continuing successfully to conceal bacteriological and chemical weapons from them.

6.   And attacks could continue intermittently if there are further signs of weapons development, even if U.N. weapons inspectors never return to Iraq.

7.   And President Bush, he said, intends to use that momentum to force Iraq to accept the U.N. weapons inspectors it threw out.

8.   And while Iraq has refused to open its borders to U.N. weapons inspectors, he said, any efforts to remedy that must be taken under U.N. supervision.

9.   And the Washington Post said U.N. weapons inspectors have found evidence that Russia planned to sell Iraq sophisticated fermentation equipment that could be used to develop biological weapons.

10.   Annan has said the Iraqis are in violation of that accord, in which they promised full access to weapons inspectors.

n. + inspector >>共 226
weapon 44.04%
arm 11.40%
tax 5.87%
police 5.80%
health 3.09%
government 2.92%
city 2.65%
custom 2.61%
safety 1.56%
immigration 1.09%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
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