1.   Analysts also fear that the controversy has made Clinton virtually powerless to face Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in the continuing standoff over United Nations weapons inspections.

2.   As the orders were made, Iraqi leaders launched a new round of diplomacy in the standoff over weapons inspections.

3.   Aziz confirmed that presidential sites were off limits for UN inspectors and said that the U.S. was using the issue of weapons inspections for political means.

4.   Baghdad and Washington, which only days ago seemed headed for a military confrontation over weapons inspections, now seem close to a diplomatic resolution.

5.   A showdown over resumption of U.N. weapons inspections appears likely to develop in April.

6.   According to Motz, the unpublished U.N. weapons inspection reports were obtained by sources outside the United Nations.

7.   After the United States dispatched warships and aircraft to the Persian Gulf region, Iraq backed down, asserting that the weapons inspections could proceed.

8.   Albright and Vedrine issued carefully coordinated remarks intended to insure that Saddam understands that the time for a diplomatic capitulation on weapons inspections is now, American diplomats said.

9.   British diplomats are pushing a proposal that would require Saddam to cooperate for several months with weapons inspections, then remove the cap on oil sales.

10.   British diplomats are pushing a proposal that would require Hussein into cooperate for several months with weapons inspections, then remove the cap on oil sales.

n. + inspection >>共 256
weapon 30.59%
safety 8.96%
arm 7.50%
surprise 5.46%
palace 1.97%
health 1.60%
custom 1.53%
site 1.53%
export 1.38%
government 1.24%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
每页显示:    共 418