1.   Takatlyan was charged with illegal weapons possession, bribery, entering the country illegally and using false documents.

2.   Besides second-degree murder, the Kimeses are charged with fraud, conspiracy, robbery, larceny, forgery, weapons possession and eavesdropping, among other crimes.

3.   Brown had an arrest record for drug possession and was on parole for weapons possession, police said.

4.   But in the last eight years, violent incidents and weapons possession have steadily risen.

5.   Categories that decreased were chemical substances, loitering and trespassing, robbery, and weapons possession.

6.   Even before the shooting, the police were seeking Drewery on charges of aggravated assault and weapons possession in connection with the attack on Ortiz, the prosecutor said.

7.   Federal prosecutors also have charged Furrow with murder of a federal employee and weapons possession.

8.   Furrow faces federal charges of murder of a federal employee and weapons possession while a felon.

9.   Green and Harvin face multiple charges of illegal weapons possession and sales.

10.   Hardy was charged with numerous counts of weapons possession, the illegal sale of a firearms and the sale and possession of crack and cocaine.

n. + possession >>共 88
drug 21.02%
weapon 18.17%
cocaine 11.17%
marijuana 11.17%
gun 7.41%
felony 5.18%
arm 4.47%
heroin 2.34%
firearm 2.13%
misdemeanor 1.83%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
每页显示:    共 178