1.   A commitment to statutory provision alone fails those most at risk.

2.   Against that general background I now consider the detailed statutory provisions relating to administrative receivers.

3.   If the Woolwich principle comprehends payments made under a mistake of law then such payments are also covered by the statutory provisions.

4.   Such tribunals, generally deriving from statutory provisions, had multiplied as the range of governmental activity spread.

5.   The facts Before turning to the precise terms of the statutory provisions I must set the scene by referring to the facts.

6.   These are expressed with differing degrees of formality in the form of statutory provisions, case law and conventions of the constitution.

7.   Using a vehicle in contravention of the relevant statutory provisions constitutes a criminal offence.

a. + provision >>共 684
new 5.12%
key 3.91%
constitutional 3.73%
similar 3.38%
such 2.99%
controversial 2.70%
special 2.63%
specific 1.88%
no 1.60%
statutory 1.46%
statutory + n. >>共 200
duty 9.18%
provision 5.02%
authority 4.90%
requirement 4.28%
body 4.04%
power 3.55%
right 3.43%
regulation 2.45%
obligation 2.45%
construction 2.45%
每页显示:    共 41