new provision 9.48   Each additional bill added new provisions.
  key provision 7.24   Key provisions in accord.
  constitutional provision 6.91   The request fell outside constitutional provisions, he said.
  similar provision 6.25   Most states have similar provisions.
  such provision 5.53   The AFL-CIO opposes such a provision.
  controversial provision 5.00   But the most controversial provision is the name.
  special provision 4.87   No special provision is made for missing data.
  specific provision 3.49   The more specific provision controls the general.
  no provision 2.96   The House has no such provision.
  statutory provision 2.70   The statutory provision is restricted in scope.
  legal provision 2.30   They cite legal provisions about published ballots and technical notice.
  major provision 2.04   Major provisions of the law expire this year.
  anti-abortion provision 1.97   The House version included the controversial anti-abortion provisions.
  the provision 1.71   The two provisions are ...
  adequate provision 1.45   Farmers have been slow to make adequate provision for their retirement.
  democratic provision 1.45   House Republicans are opposed to the Democratic provisions included in the Senate bill.
  important provision 1.45   That is an important provision for the Northwest.
  separate provision 1.45   Each case concerned a separate provision of the disability law.
  environmental provision 1.38   Republicans are also pushing two destructive environmental provisions.
  main provision 1.38   There are, however, three main anti-avoidance provisions to consider.
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