1.   Arrangements will include a clearing house to help match staff with vacancies and special provisions for retraining.

2.   Both therefore see special educational provision as having an essential role to play in bringing about changes in mainstream education.

3.   But the Act made no specific reference to special provision for young workers.

4.   In the circumstances, programmes to alter reproductive patterns might incorporate special provisions for reaching individuals of lower socio-economic status.

5.   Special provision should be made for children.

6.   The Constitution provided for an independent judiciary with special provisions for Melanesian affairs and Melanesian courts.

7.   No special provision is made for missing data.

8.   However persuasively we argue to include software in the existing fold of custodial protection, the need for the special provision of resources cannot be evaded.

9.   Planning control over the operations of the National Coal Board is subject to special provisions.

10.   No special tonal provision is made for the exit from scenes such as these.

a. + provision >>共 684
new 5.12%
key 3.91%
constitutional 3.73%
similar 3.38%
such 2.99%
controversial 2.70%
special 2.63%
specific 1.88%
no 1.60%
statutory 1.46%
special + n. >>共 1057
team 4.49%
envoy 4.24%
prosecutor 1.73%
committee 1.49%
treatment 1.43%
meeting 1.43%
police 1.21%
attention 1.17%
commission 1.12%
event 1.12%
provision 0.21%
每页显示:    共 74