1.   It was accountable to parliament and to a parliamentary commission which would ensure that constitutional provisions, fundamental human rights and freedoms were observed.

2.   This conformed to current constitutional provisions for ministerial appointments.

3.   And a variety of unions say that anti-labor groups would try to use a convention to undermine constitutional provisions safeguarding union pensions and the right to organize.

4.   And Twist said there are other constitutional provisions and laws to ensure that Arizonans could go to court on such matters.

5.   Because no other state has a constitutional provision quite like that in New York, there was less concern elsewhere in the region about the impact of the bill.

6.   Both sides acknowledged they were plowing new legal ground, since neither the federal law nor the constitutional provision has been fully argued before the U.S. Supreme Court.

7.   Both sides could argue that the Florida ruling would violate constitutional provisions related to equal protection and due process.

8.   But Rick Chivaro, chief counsel to state Controller Kathleen Connell, said a constitutional provision allows schools to be paid without a budget.

9.   Challenges to these constitutional provisions have succeeded in Arizona, Illinois, Ohio, and Wisconsin, states that have either voucher programs or tuition tax credits.

10.   Chirac, like his American counterpart, has discovered that presidential powers often depend more on political circumstances than constitutional provisions.

a. + provision >>共 684
new 5.12%
key 3.91%
constitutional 3.73%
similar 3.38%
such 2.99%
controversial 2.70%
special 2.63%
specific 1.88%
no 1.60%
statutory 1.46%
constitutional + n. >>共 507
amendment 18.23%
right 10.49%
reform 4.84%
change 4.62%
court 4.38%
law 2.60%
issue 2.20%
crisis 2.17%
protection 2.12%
guarantee 1.81%
provision 1.30%
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