1.   We collected soil samples from several areas on the site.

2.   A batch of film had gone for processing along with footprint casts and soil samples believed to be contaminated with blood or other tissue.

3.   Fresh soil samples, taken recently in the presence of journalists, are currently being investigated for gamma rays and alpha particles.

4.   Anthrax spores can be found in soil samples from all over the world.

5.   A Ugandan police spokesman, Mugenyi Assuman, said investigators also expected to take soil samples from the various mass graves, particularly the original site in Kanungu.

6.   After collecting a soil sample, they freeze and thaw it rapidly, thereby cracking open the microbes and releasing their genetic material.

7.   But no one has been to his home to check soil samples or test the air, Miguel said.

8.   But the soil sample said to contain Empta has convinced the United States government that the plant was a legitimate target.

9.   But two decades ago, Viking landed, took pictures and soil samples and delivered a Martian weather report.

n. + sample >>共 321
blood 23.92%
urine 13.29%
tissue 5.92%
water 4.71%
soil 3.83%
hair 3.20%
air 2.67%
core 2.52%
anthrax 1.46%
test 1.46%
soil + n. >>共 222
erosion 12.42%
moisture 9.19%
sample 7.98%
condition 6.16%
type 2.53%
bacterium 2.32%
test 2.32%
fertility 2.02%
temperature 1.82%
surface 1.82%
每页显示:    共 79