1.   As well as contributing to Declining soil fertility, such high sediment removal are causing problems with water supply by increasing reservoir siltation rates.

2.   Crop rotation helps build up soil fertility.

3.   Organic farmers build up soil fertility by crop rotation.

4.   The non-burrowing earthworms play a different role in soil fertility.

5.   Downstream from the dams, other farmers suffered from flooding and reduced soil fertility.

6.   An application of a balanced fertilizer in June is beneficial when soil fertility is low.

7.   Before planting, the soil should be amended with peat and perhaps some fish emulsion if soil fertility is in doubt.

8.   A second possibility is low soil fertility.

9.   Add alfalfa meal and compost to help boost soil fertility, which will encourage better growth.

10.   But it can also damage soil fertility and increase erosion.

n. + fertility >>共 14
soil 57.14%
peak 5.71%
replacement 5.71%
cattle 2.86%
crop 2.86%
effect 2.86%
grain 2.86%
infection 2.86%
milk 2.86%
person 2.86%
soil + n. >>共 222
erosion 12.42%
moisture 9.19%
sample 7.98%
condition 6.16%
type 2.53%
bacterium 2.32%
test 2.32%
fertility 2.02%
temperature 1.82%
surface 1.82%
每页显示:    共 20