soil erosion 8.10   Fertile land is running out due to soil erosion.
  soil moisture 5.99   Try to keep soil moisture even.
  soil sample 5.20   Take soil samples.
  soil condition 4.02   The soil conditions are similar.
  soil type 1.65   The plant thrives in a wide range of soil types.
  soil bacterium 1.51   Normally the common soil bacterium divides by binary fission.
  soil test 1.51   A soil test would be beneficial.
  soil fertility 1.32   The first is to maintain soil fertility.
  soil surface 1.18   Plant so the top of the rhizome is level with the soil surface.
  soil temperature 1.18   Students plotted soil temperatures on a graph throughout the school year.
  soil mix 1.12   Start your catnip seed in a moist, sterile soil mix.
  soil level 1.05   Plant with the neck above the soil level.
  soil structure 1.05   Tilth, soil structure, is important.
  soil conservation 0.72   This last point is one which is developed here in relation to soil conservation.
  soil line 0.72   I saw the wire, about six inches above the soil line.
  soil nutrient 0.72   Mulch, as it breaks down, also helps replenish soil nutrients.
  soil analysis 0.66   Soil analysis and improvement.
  soil degradation 0.66   Fertile lands in the highlands suffer from severe soil degradation, erosion and extensive deforestation.
  soil quality 0.66   All farm products and soil quality are closely monitored for metal concentration.
  soil acidity 0.59   Soil acidity can alter flower color.
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