1.   An accurate diagnosis of sleep apnea usually requires spending a night in a sleep laboratory, which can be costly or difficult to arrange.

2.   Clinic evaluations include tests that assess emotional well-being, interviews with bed partners or house mates and all-night monitoring of sleep characteristics in a sleep laboratory.

3.   He visits a sleep laboratory in London and studies a man with the habit of violently rocking in his sleep.

4.   Individuals can ask their doctors for referral to a sleep laboratory.

5.   On Earth, the same technology will allow tests for sleep disorders to be performed at home, instead of in hospital diagnostic sleep laboratories.

6.   Students who improved the most slept for eight hours, during which they got solid bouts of two kinds of sleep as measured in a sleep laboratory.

7.   The diagnosis of sleep apnea is made through sophisticated tests done in a sleep laboratory and cannot be made with a home sleep monitor.

8.   This is a more convenient and far less costly approach than former evaluations that required the man to spend one or more nights in a sleep laboratory.

9.   To explore dreams in a more natural setting than the hospital-based sleep laboratory, Harvard researchers recently invented a device called the Nightcap.

10.   Two nights in a sleep laboratory revealed the problem.

n. + laboratory >>共 211
research 16.39%
government 5.74%
weapon 5.26%
science 4.90%
police 4.43%
crime 3.95%
drug 3.71%
computer 3.23%
university 2.51%
methamphetamine 1.91%
sleep 1.32%
sleep + n. >>共 121
deprivation 17.12%
disorder 12.31%
pattern 7.21%
problem 6.01%
disturbance 4.20%
aid 3.30%
researcher 2.85%
cycle 2.25%
paralysis 2.10%
expert 2.10%
laboratory 1.65%
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