1.   Advances that drug laboratories are making in AIDS treatment have raised the possibility that a population that has carried a death sentence can be turned into a consumer market.

2.   Critics, however, say the American aid does indirectly contribute to the counterinsurgency efforts, since coca fields and drug processing laboratories are often protected by the rebels.

3.   Dr. Don Catlin runs the Olympic drug testing laboratory at UCLA.

4.   Goodman said Genentech is not alone in tapping talented academics to run drug research laboratories.

5.   He said Colombia has also made great progress in terms of crop eradication, drug seizures and the destruction of drug laboratories.

6.   It destroyed drug laboratories and captured six of the top seven Cali cartel leaders.

7.   Mendocino County District Attorney Norman Vroman said the charred remains of a drug laboratory had been found where they believe the fire began.

8.   Some units protect and tax drug laboratories and transport flights in the areas they control.

9.   The BATF misled the military into thinking a drug laboratory was hidden on Davidian property in order to secure training and equipment, the hearings were told.

10.   The conversion rate of coca leaf to powder cocaine depends on the efficiency of clandestine drug laboratories that use a variety of chemicals in the process.

n. + laboratory >>共 211
research 16.39%
government 5.74%
weapon 5.26%
science 4.90%
police 4.43%
crime 3.95%
drug 3.71%
computer 3.23%
university 2.51%
methamphetamine 1.91%
drug + n. >>共 541
company 5.40%
use 5.37%
trafficker 5.22%
dealer 4.60%
test 3.79%
trade 2.64%
charge 2.46%
abuse 2.39%
addict 2.07%
user 1.82%
laboratory 0.10%
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