1.   First, WiCell has said it will make the same terms available to academic scientists in university laboratories around the country.

2.   He buys most of his supplies from Radio Shack or finds them in trash bins outside the university laboratories.

3.   He said that several dozen university laboratories and pharmaceutical laboratories have access to anthrax and that federal investigators were talking to officials from the labs in search of leads.

4.   In a burst of recent activity in both corporate and university laboratories, scientists have been able to surmount one obstacle after another.

5.   Once the domain of federally funded university laboratories largely working alone, medical testing has exploded in amount and complexity in recent years.

6.   On Sunday, other ALF members broke into a university laboratory in Washington state and stole rabbits and white mice.

7.   Some have been started by researchers who struck out on their own, backed by investors, to commercialize discoveries made in university laboratories.

8.   The Bayh-Dole Law was designed to push federally financed research from the university laboratory into the marketplace.

9.   The grid technology has grown up over the last few years mainly in government supercomputer centers and university laboratories.

10.   The law was designed to push federally financed research from the university laboratory into the marketplace.

n. + laboratory >>共 211
research 16.39%
government 5.74%
weapon 5.26%
science 4.90%
police 4.43%
crime 3.95%
drug 3.71%
computer 3.23%
university 2.51%
methamphetamine 1.91%
university + n. >>共 600
student 13.74%
official 10.58%
professor 6.55%
campus 4.83%
president 3.85%
system 2.08%
degree 1.79%
graduate 1.66%
administrator 1.66%
spokesman 1.59%
laboratory 0.38%
每页显示:    共 21