1.   Almost everyone in the government agrees that Chinese spies stole nuclear secrets from American weapons laboratories.

2.   American officials say the FBI has not found any evidence linking the weapons laboratories to the suspected theft of neutron bomb secrets.

3.   And it was Mikhailov who boasted that Russia had surreptitiously purchased American supercomputers for its weapons laboratories after Washington refused to approve the export of the computers.

4.   A theoretical physicist, Teller is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford and director emeritus of the Livermore weapons laboratory.

5.   But Republicans and the House report faulted the White House for failing to react quickly to evidence of Chinese penetration of U.S. weapons laboratories.

6.   But today, officials at the weapons laboratory say the category has long been troublesome, given its ambiguous nature.

7.   Counterintelligence programs at the national weapons laboratories today fail to meet even minimal standards.

8.   Did China steal nuclear weapons documents or blueprints from American weapons laboratories?

9.   He was fired in March from his job at the Los Alamos weapons laboratory after Energy Secretary Bill Richardson began an investigation into the accusations spying by Beijing.

10.   In a secure warren of the Los Alamos weapons laboratory, investigators mined the office of Wen Ho Lee.

n. + laboratory >>共 211
research 16.39%
government 5.74%
weapon 5.26%
science 4.90%
police 4.43%
crime 3.95%
drug 3.71%
computer 3.23%
university 2.51%
methamphetamine 1.91%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
laboratory 0.60%
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