1.   After simmering the meat, skim the fat from the surface.

2.   When stock is cold, skim fat from the top.

3.   Bring to a boil, then cook for about one hour, skimming fat off the top as needed.

4.   Remove from heat and skim any fat from the surface and serve immediately or freeze.

5.   Skim any fat from top of chili and serve.

6.   Skim any fat that rises to the surface.

7.   Skim fat from meat juices with a large spoon and discard.

8.   Skim fat from surface, if necessary.

9.   Skim fat that has risen to top of stock and discard.

10.   Skim the fat from the juices and pour over the meat.

v. + fat >>共 201
trim 7.58%
reduce 5.62%
have 4.52%
remove 3.91%
use 3.91%
cut 3.55%
skim 3.55%
discard 3.42%
contain 3.18%
add 2.44%
skim + n. >>共 110
surface 9.77%
fat 9.45%
foam 5.86%
money 4.89%
body 3.26%
water 3.26%
top 2.93%
cream 2.61%
profit 2.61%
ankle 1.95%
每页显示:    共 29