1.   Many read the first paragraph, skim the body, and read the closing.

2.   Other retro favourites are flares and bell-bottoms, such as all-in-one Barbarella-style pants suits, skimming the body down into gentle flares.

3.   Choosing fashions that skim the body is also helpful, according to JC Penney spokesman Don Scaccia.

4.   Each piece skimmed the body softly, relaxed shoulders imparting an air of elegant ease.

5.   It has been stretched, softened and made to skim the body.

6.   Jackets are cropped or elongated, skimming the body.

7.   Matte jersey in neutral colors skims the body in asymmetrical dresses, and silk-linen organza jackets top layered silk organza clam diggers or silk taffeta pants.

8.   Not the Spandex type designed for tall skinny teens, but cotton knits that skim the body without revealing bulges.

9.   She chooses fabrics that lend themselves to sculptural effects, colors that soothe the spirit and shapes that envelope and skim the body rather than define it.

10.   Waists are apparent, and silhouettes skim the body affectionately without a tight hug.

v. + body >>共 624
find 17.68%
recover 8.13%
discover 3.35%
identify 2.77%
see 2.67%
take 2.39%
bury 2.38%
remove 1.81%
dump 1.73%
pull 1.51%
skim 0.07%
skim + n. >>共 110
surface 9.77%
fat 9.45%
foam 5.86%
money 4.89%
body 3.26%
water 3.26%
top 2.93%
cream 2.61%
profit 2.61%
ankle 1.95%
每页显示:    共 10