1.   Preliminary analysis at a London laboratory shows that it contains fatty globules of lipids and is organic, of animal origin.

2.   The preliminary analyses of the survey were completed just after the discovery of the error and before corrections could be made.

3.   Two results of general interest emerge from this preliminary analysis.

4.   Preliminary analysis of the antigen has been performed.

5.   Also, the material is undergoing a variety of tests that may challenge the preliminary analysis.

6.   A preliminary analysis by Price Waterhouse, another accounting firm that does a venture survey, also shows Massachusetts share was down for the quarter.

7.   A preliminary analysis of a sample taken from the truck used to refuel the plane found no problem.

8.   A preliminary analysis of the inscription, Gitin said, showed that not only was the script Phoenician, but probably the language was as well.

9.   A preliminary analysis by Boomerang and other experiments first revealed that flatness last fall.

10.   But with his preliminary analysis, Taubenberger and his colleagues have already ruled out two hypotheses on why the virus was so deadly.

a. + analysis >>共 726
final 5.25%
statistical 4.06%
detailed 3.34%
further 2.69%
new 2.41%
economic 2.31%
genetic 2.03%
chemical 1.75%
careful 1.66%
scientific 1.59%
preliminary 1.34%
preliminary + n. >>共 569
hearing 6.88%
result 6.72%
investigation 5.74%
report 5.69%
talk 4.48%
injunction 4.21%
round 3.47%
finding 3.19%
agreement 3.03%
test 2.83%
analysis 0.62%
每页显示:    共 43