final analysis 11.06   In the final analysis, profit is the motive.
  statistical analysis 8.56   All statistical analyses were two tailed.
  detailed analysis 7.04   I will give you a detailed analysis here.
  further analysis 5.66   No further analysis was needed.
  new analysis 5.07   New analyses have cast doubt on both claims.
  economic analysis 4.87   An economic analysis by Floyd Norris.
  genetic analysis 4.28   The genetic analysis can establish the type of bear.
  chemical analysis 3.69   Chemical analysis is theoretically possible.
  careful analysis 3.49   I heard careful analysis.
  scientific analysis 3.36   It is not based on sound scientific analysis.
  financial analysis 3.16   For financial analysis, see FA.
  political analysis 2.96   A political analysis.
  technical analysis 2.90   That was the technical analysis.
  preliminary analysis 2.83   Preliminary analysis of the antigen has been performed.
  recent analysis 2.76   Recent analyses of the vitreous component of faience found in Kerma.
  nutritional analysis 2.50   There is no nutritional analysis.
  independent analysis 2.44   Independent analysis of the Soviet arsenal was indispensable.
  critical analysis 2.30   But they also offered a critical analysis.
  legal analysis 2.17   A legal analysis by Adam Liptak.
  sophisticated analysis 2.04   They have used sophisticated analyses of how much the census and the sample vary.
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