1.   These data are of limited value in making a genetic analysis.

2.   Diagnosis had been based on typical clinical features, family history, increased sweat chloride concentration, and genetic analysis.

3.   And the mitochondrial DNA within bone cells is so well-protected that it can be used for genetic analysis for decades or even, possibly, centuries.

4.   According to a new genetic analysis, the flamingo, that stately, stilt-legged beauty, is a close cousin of the squat and homely grebe.

5.   Advances in genetic analysis may eventually allow scientists to distinguish between tumors that are potentially deadly and those that will remain harmless.

6.   But a genetic analysis shows that the cacao cultivated today is more closely related to wild plants in South America than to those in Mexico.

7.   But Cavalli-Sforza argues that genetic analysis of history has nothing to do with race.

8.   But genetic analysis showed they were unrelated, he said, so it was simply a tragic coincidence.

9.   Genetic analysis of the new viruses shows they belong to the same flavivirus family as hepatitis C and yellow fever.

10.   Genetic analyses are now under way to determine how many of the organisms represent new species and genera.

a. + analysis >>共 726
final 5.25%
statistical 4.06%
detailed 3.34%
further 2.69%
new 2.41%
economic 2.31%
genetic 2.03%
chemical 1.75%
careful 1.66%
scientific 1.59%
genetic + n. >>共 576
material 7.88%
test 4.66%
information 4.23%
mutation 3.34%
defect 3.01%
research 2.98%
disease 2.83%
disorder 2.12%
makeup 1.96%
analysis 1.66%
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