preliminary hearing 31.53   He is awaiting a preliminary hearing.
  preliminary result 30.81   Preliminary results were expected Monday.
  preliminary investigation 26.33   As early as next summer, Hoyt plans a preliminary investigation.
  preliminary report 26.07   Preliminary reports were leaked.
  preliminary talk 20.54   Preliminary talks have just begun.
  preliminary injunction 19.29   Etoy is appealing the preliminary injunction.
  preliminary round 15.93   Cup Winners, preliminary round, first leg.
  preliminary finding 14.61   But these are all preliminary findings.
  preliminary agreement 13.89   They signed a preliminary agreement.
  preliminary test 12.97   Preliminary tests look encouraging.
  preliminary approval 11.52   He gave preliminary approval in July.
  preliminary stage 10.27   Talks are at a preliminary stage.
  preliminary discussion 8.62   Here we give a very preliminary discussion.
  preliminary inquiry 8.62   That investigation, that preliminary inquiry, continues.
  preliminary study 7.57   But those were preliminary studies.
  preliminary datum 4.81   But the preliminary data are rarely revised.
  preliminary estimate 4.54   Both are preliminary estimates.
  preliminary figure 4.54   Preliminary figures bear that out.
  preliminary work 4.48   Preliminary work is under way.
  preliminary meeting 4.15   Preliminary APEC meetings start this week.
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