1.   After these courses are completed, the rigors of poverty week begin.

2.   In devising projects for the bank, Humplick and Annez said their experiences during poverty week drove home the need to take local preferences and knowledge into account.

3.   Patricia Annez, an urban infrastructure specialist, spent her poverty week in the Indian city of Ahmedabad.

4.   She had lived among the poor before but found poverty week very useful.

5.   World Bank officials are pleased with the results of poverty week.

n. + week >>共 426
work 18.70%
bye 14.34%
holiday 3.32%
fashion 2.70%
couple 2.49%
year 2.08%
summer 1.87%
four-day 1.80%
season 1.45%
five-day 1.32%
poverty 0.35%
poverty + n. >>共 109
rate 18.91%
reduction 10.51%
summit 8.06%
alleviation 7.53%
program 6.83%
eradication 4.38%
programme 2.28%
problem 2.28%
relief 2.10%
issue 1.75%
week 0.88%
每页显示:    共 5