poverty rate 7.11   Higher poverty rates.
  poverty reduction 3.95   Poverty reduction is foremost, he said.
  poverty summit 3.03   He attended the U.N. poverty summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, last year.
  poverty alleviation 2.83   This would result in high growth leading to poverty alleviation.
  poverty program 2.57   Poverty programs were never enough of a solution.
  poverty eradication 1.65   Kenya pursuing yet another poverty eradication plan.
  poverty problem 0.86   Sustained domestic growth is one of the most effective ways of solving the poverty problem.
  poverty programme 0.86   Museveni is using his poverty alleviation programme to drum up support.
  poverty relief 0.79   This time, Los Angeles stuck with poverty relief.
  poverty issue 0.66   We were in there doing poverty issues which would affect health outcomes.
  poverty threshold 0.66   One-third of the country lives below the poverty threshold.
  poverty trap 0.53   Means test create poverty traps.
  poverty expert 0.33   Some poverty experts see virtue in the present system despite its faults.
  poverty increase 0.33   Slums will only spread as poverty increases, he said.
  poverty measure 0.33   OMB established the current poverty measures.
  poverty standard 0.33   Indeed, tracking changes is all that a poverty standard really does.
  poverty statistic 0.33   Voters and politicians use poverty statistics to assess the performance of presidents and the health of the economy.
  poverty wage 0.33   Jobs were scarce and those that were available paid poverty wages.
  poverty week 0.33   World Bank officials are pleased with the results of poverty week.
  poverty area 0.26   Hamburg said it was clear that youngsters in inner city areas and poverty areas are far more vulnerable than those in more affluent areas.
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