1.   He is perhaps best known for his work on developing trade ties with Africa and working on disease prevention and poverty relief there.

2.   The essential caveat is that relief should be given only to countries willing to invest in human needs such as education, poverty relief, and social services.

3.   This time, Los Angeles stuck with poverty relief.

4.   Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers has pushed to change the way the monetary fund operates, urging it to focus largely on managing financial crises instead of poverty relief.

5.   Poverty relief is a relatively new problem for Beijing as it replaces central economic planning with market forces.

6.   Fachmi told the court that former President B.J. Habibie ordered Tandjung, who was state secretary at the time, to use the funds to pay for poverty relief.

7.   Jiang also said China would cooperate with the United Nations and other international agencies in such areas as technological exchanges, environmental protection and poverty relief.

8.   Masuku proposed an expansionist budget to boost investments in infrastructure, crime prevention and poverty relief.

9.   More money will be spent on poverty relief and water conservancy.

10.   Some of the misused funds were intended for poverty relief.

n. + relief >>共 206
tax 31.17%
debt 19.88%
disaster 11.02%
pain 5.27%
food 2.10%
flood 1.61%
rate 1.34%
price 1.02%
famine 0.97%
drought 0.91%
poverty 0.64%
poverty + n. >>共 109
rate 18.91%
reduction 10.51%
summit 8.06%
alleviation 7.53%
program 6.83%
eradication 4.38%
programme 2.28%
problem 2.28%
relief 2.10%
issue 1.75%
每页显示:    共 12