1.   And archivists seem to have come around to recognizing his leadership qualities.

2.   Candidates must also show leadership qualities and a desire to compete and achieve.

3.   Critics also say he lacks strong leadership qualities.

4.   He shows strong leadership qualities.

5.   Lucas has outstanding leadership qualities.

6.   She has great faith in her own leadership qualities.

7.   Should you promote a man who is effective and has leadership qualities but is very difficult to work with?

8.   To motivate others to implement their Decisions, they need strong leadership qualities.

9.   Vlasov showed great energy and leadership qualities, transforming his division into a conspicuous example of efficiency.

10.   He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities.

n. + quality >>共 393
air 18.93%
water 11.82%
picture 7.15%
credit 6.21%
leadership 5.22%
product 4.07%
asset 2.93%
image 2.73%
service 2.14%
teacher 2.09%
leadership + n. >>共 350
role 12.88%
position 8.29%
post 4.27%
skill 4.23%
style 3.74%
quality 3.71%
election 3.63%
team 3.21%
change 2.79%
contest 2.40%
每页显示:    共 104