air quality 25.08   Air quality is one example.
  water quality 15.67   -- Protecting water quality.
  picture quality 9.48   However, picture quality suffered.
  credit quality 8.23   Credit quality also improved.
  leadership quality 6.91   He has good leadership qualities.
  product quality 5.40   Product quality keeps rising.
  asset quality 3.88   Also, asset quality continued to improve.
  image quality 3.62   Then there is the image quality.
  service quality 2.83   Customer service quality improves tremendously.
  teacher quality 2.76   Studies show huge disparities in teacher quality.
  voice quality 2.37   As a result, voice quality can suffer.
  food quality 1.51   Take the question of food quality for instance.
  loan quality 0.86   Loan quality remained a concern.
  production quality 0.86   The production quality is also top-notch.
  call quality 0.79   The improved call quality, however, proved well worth the price.
  crop quality 0.66   There also is concern over crop quality.
  school quality 0.66   The new data are too imprecise to permit pure comparisons of school quality.
  soil quality 0.66   All farm products and soil quality are closely monitored for metal concentration.
  museum quality 0.59   None of the works are of museum quality.
  ride quality 0.59   Take ride quality.
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