1.   Each group alters the leadership roles to strengthen the task-oriented role at the expense of the maintenance role.

2.   Gradually, team leaders in work-unit teams change to more of a coordination rather than leadership role as the team develops.

3.   He was almost always in the leadership role, with Roh a supportive follower.

4.   Heads should therefore still be taking a key leadership role.

5.   His leadership role was taken from him and he resumed his role as physician.

6.   Howard attracted many gifted people who have subsequently attained leadership roles in the Salvation Army.

7.   Like anyone in a leadership role, though, I suppose I should set an example.

8.   The leadership role entails taking the initiative in formulating, articulating, and implementing goals for the political system.

9.   The US must now take a firm leadership role.

10.   We deny this, only to the inevitable result that we fool ourselves, and fill our leadership roles with fools.

n. + role >>共 607
leadership 14.68%
movie 4.30%
gender 2.78%
film 2.74%
support 2.45%
reserve 2.37%
underdog 2.01%
government 1.97%
high-profile 1.93%
management 1.85%
leadership + n. >>共 350
role 12.88%
position 8.29%
post 4.27%
skill 4.23%
style 3.74%
quality 3.71%
election 3.63%
team 3.21%
change 2.79%
contest 2.40%
每页显示:    共 363