1.   Boil equal amounts of water and grated coconut.

2.   Do not grate coconut as shape of finished cookie will be flatter.

3.   For instance, a recipe might ask you to grate a coconut for coconut milk, instead of suggesting you buy a can.

4.   Yes, it is work to hull, peel and grate the coconut, but the payoff is enormous.

5.   To make kerisek, fry without oil grated coconut until golden brown and pound or blend into a paste.

v. + coconut >>共 68
sprinkle 6.72%
add 5.88%
grate 4.20%
toast 4.20%
open 3.36%
sell 3.36%
spread 3.36%
break 2.52%
include 2.52%
desiccate 2.52%
grate + n. >>共 43
cheese 31.03%
rind 6.21%
zest 4.83%
ginger 4.83%
nutmeg 4.83%
coconut 3.45%
carrot 3.45%
chocolate 3.45%
peel 3.45%
onion 2.76%
每页显示:    共 5