1.   Both versions use a gremolata, a refreshing mixture of chopped parsley, chopped garlic and finely grated lemon zest.

2.   Finely grate the zest of the tangerines, without grating any of the bitter white part.

3.   Grate the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice.

4.   Grate the zest from the lime, then squeeze juice.

5.   Grate the zest of the lemons, then finely chop.

6.   Grate zest from lime into mixture and stir to incorporate.

7.   Pile liver paste on the bread, and garnish with a little parsley and grated lemon zest if desired.

v. + zest >>共 46
add 19.67%
have 13.93%
grate 5.74%
remove 4.92%
lime 4.10%
lose 3.28%
reserve 3.28%
give 3.28%
take 2.46%
use 2.46%
grate + n. >>共 43
cheese 31.03%
rind 6.21%
zest 4.83%
ginger 4.83%
nutmeg 4.83%
coconut 3.45%
carrot 3.45%
chocolate 3.45%
peel 3.45%
onion 2.76%
每页显示:    共 7