1.   ...grated lemon peel.

2.   Grate peel from oranges and reserve for dressing.

3.   If desired, vary the flavor by adding instant espresso powder or grated orange peel to the chocolate mixture.

4.   Meanwhile, finely grate peel from orange.

5.   The marinade recipe, created to tenderize tough meat and to make it stay fresh longer, called for vinegar, white wine and grated lemon peel.

v. + peel >>共 33
remove 22.08%
add 7.79%
grate 6.49%
discard 5.19%
candy 5.19%
cut 3.90%
use 3.90%
leave 3.90%
cut_away 2.60%
eat 2.60%
grate + n. >>共 43
cheese 31.03%
rind 6.21%
zest 4.83%
ginger 4.83%
nutmeg 4.83%
coconut 3.45%
carrot 3.45%
chocolate 3.45%
peel 3.45%
onion 2.76%
每页显示:    共 5