1.   Add one clove of crushed garlic.

2.   Add one clove of freshly crushed garlic.

3.   Add the onion, crushed garlic, mushrooms, chives and red wine and season with salt and pepper.

4.   Even more effective, I am told, is crushed garlic mixed with live yoghurt.

5.   Put the bread into a food processor with a crushed garlic clove and add a tablespoon or two of olive oil.

6.   Add crushed garlic, thyme and shallot and cook a few more minutes, until morels have softened and given up their liquid.

7.   Add some crushed garlic, thyme and cheese.

8.   Add the crushed garlic, paprika, salt, coriander, caraway and red pepper flakes and cook slowly until the mixture is well-blended.

9.   Carefully fold in the crushed garlic, parsley, vinegar, sugar and allspice.

10.   Combine salt, chilies, crushed garlic, lemon juice, oil and herbs in food processor.

a. + garlic >>共 134
roasted 10.75%
minced 10.75%
remaining 8.17%
fresh 5.81%
chopped 5.16%
crushed 4.09%
raw 4.09%
whole 2.80%
peeled 1.94%
fried 1.72%
crushed + n. >>共 222
stone 7.58%
ice 5.91%
garlic 3.51%
car 3.51%
pineapple 2.96%
velvet 2.77%
rock 2.77%
skull 1.85%
tomato 1.48%
leg 1.48%
每页显示:    共 19