1.   A food mill delivers mashed potatoes with the kind of coarse texture and hominess craved by just about everybody, even the most accomplished chefs.

2.   I love the coarse texture and nutty flavor of cornmeal and have tried baking several types of cookies with it.

3.   Puree to a coarse texture.

4.   Slowly mix in olive oil, a little at a time, until tapenade has a coarse texture.

5.   The coarse texture of the hemp keeps knots from slipping yet allows easy untying.

6.   I reached out for it eagerly,rubbing its coarse texture, delighting in its smell, as though my motherwas embedded inside its hard form.

7.   Mix until a coarse lumpy texture is obtained.

a. + texture >>共 376
creamy 3.42%
different 2.69%
rich 2.59%
soft 2.17%
crunchy 1.86%
firm 1.76%
smooth 1.76%
rough 1.66%
chewy 1.55%
silky 1.55%
coarse 0.72%
coarse + n. >>共 174
salt 9.15%
language 8.11%
meal 7.07%
crumb 6.86%
sand 3.53%
sea 2.49%
paper 2.29%
puree 2.29%
grass 1.87%
powder 1.87%
texture 1.46%
每页显示:    共 7