1.   Mix, adding some clarified butter to form a firm paste.

2.   Clarifying butter.

3.   Heat clarified butter on a flat grill or in a large heavy-bottom skillet.

4.   Heat clarified butter in saute pan until smoking hot.

5.   Heat clarified butter in a large skillet.

6.   In large non-stick skillet over high heat, melt clarified butter.

7.   Remove all of milk solids to clarify butter.

8.   While the skillet is in the oven, mix the warm clarified butter into the dry ingredients, and then add the egg and milk mixture.

9.   When the pan is hot, add , teaspoon clarified butter and swirl it to cover the bottom of the pan completely.

10.   At the Saptarishi cremation ground, mourners lit incense sticks and threw sandalwood, sesame seeds and clarified butter into the flames in accordance with Hindu rituals.

v. + butter >>共 146
melt 40.77%
add 13.25%
heat 4.39%
use 3.38%
cream 2.93%
cut 2.56%
spread 1.74%
place 1.65%
put 1.55%
cut_in 1.28%
clarify 1.01%
clarify + n. >>共 287
position 8.54%
issue 6.27%
situation 5.04%
matter 4.23%
law 3.50%
point 2.85%
remark 2.77%
role 2.28%
rule 1.87%
report 1.79%
butter 0.90%
每页显示:    共 11