1.   Prepare the spring-onion and butter mixture for the Pizzettas, cover and refrigerate.

2.   Alternately add dry ingredients and coffee to butter mixture, beginning and ending with flour.

3.   Alternately add flour and milk mixtures to butter mixture, beginning and ending with flour.

4.   Beat egg and add to butter mixture.

5.   Add alternately with milk to butter mixture, beginning and ending with dry ingredients.

6.   Add dry ingredients in two additions to butter mixture, alternating with pumpkin.

7.   Add dry ingredients to butter mixture alternately with pumpkin mixture, beginning and ending with flour.

8.   Add dry ingredients to butter mixture alternately with sour cream.

9.   Add to butter mixture, beating well.

10.   Add bread to butter mixture, making sure it soaks up liquid.

v. + mixture >>共 319
pour 11.76%
add 6.93%
spread 4.54%
stir 3.75%
bring 3.65%
transfer 3.37%
place 2.30%
use 1.97%
return 1.92%
spoon 1.83%
butter 1.26%
butter + n. >>共 45
mixture 21.26%
bread 16.54%
toast 11.02%
foil 3.15%
paper 3.15%
popcorn 3.15%
hand 2.36%
dish 2.36%
side 2.36%
slab 1.57%
每页显示:    共 27