1.   Pour egg mixture evenly over bread slices.

2.   Pour the mixture into a tall glass filled with ice.

3.   Pour the mixture into four small dishes.

4.   Batter is poured on, then a cream cheese mixture is poured through the center.

5.   Before serving, pour fruit mixture into a punch bowl.

6.   Blend the flour, salt, egg yolks and milk in a blender until smooth and pour the mixture into a cooking pot.

7.   Blend the sweetened condensed milk, whole milk and egg yolks in a food processor or blender and pour the mixture into the caramel-lined pan.

8.   Add the oil and pour egg mixture in the pan, stirring for about a minute.

9.   Allow to cool, then discard spices and pour remaining mixture into a glass bottle.

10.   Bring to a simmer, then pour this mixture over the meat, stir, cover and place in the oven.

v. + mixture >>共 319
pour 11.76%
add 6.93%
spread 4.54%
stir 3.75%
bring 3.65%
transfer 3.37%
place 2.30%
use 1.97%
return 1.92%
spoon 1.83%
pour + n. >>共 461
money 9.88%
water 7.79%
mixture 7.08%
sauce 4.06%
million 3.05%
batter 2.29%
rain 2.12%
liquid 1.89%
oil 1.89%
billion 1.83%
每页显示:    共 249