61.   Teaching more courses in English, he said, would better prepare students for a job market that increasingly requires bilingualism.

62.   Teachers will be required to prepare students for assessment tests at the end of fourth, eighth and tenth grade.

63.   Technical proficiency coupled with stress on good citizenship and work habits, the argument goes, will better prepare students for the competitive world of work that awaits them.

64.   Technology upgrades that help prepare all students for increasingly sophisticated workforce requirements.

65.   Thanks to the Internet, a company best known for its courses to prepare students for college admissions exams now plans to offer degrees.

66.   Teacher Guan Weidong also tries to prepare his students for surviving and working hard once they get to America.

67.   Teachers were also included, but at the college level, only teachers who were preparing students for critical jobs.

68.   Such statistics have fueled criticism that the public schools, particularly those in urban areas with larger numbers of minorities, are not doing enough to prepare their students.

69.   The academy offers a three-day, intensive course that prepares the student for the DFG test.

70.   The board hopes the system will encourage high schools to better prepare their students for college.

v. + student >>共 1011
kill 2.55%
arrest 2.40%
injure 2.14%
help 1.98%
attract 1.77%
teach 1.76%
include 1.74%
take 1.46%
send 1.44%
prepare 1.37%
prepare + n. >>共 1260
report 5.22%
meal 2.91%
food 2.51%
case 2.44%
ground 2.05%
plan 1.89%
student 1.84%
attack 1.70%
statement 1.49%
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