1.   And we will allow them to attract older students as well.

2.   In this context, the failure to attract overseas students is seen as a dramatic failure.

3.   Schools that excel and attract more students rarely grow or clone themselves.

4.   Several modules are specifically designed to attract students from different areas of the Course.

5.   Some of the worst massacres by paramilitaries have been in towns where the university expects to attract students.

6.   Universities aim to attract students from varied social backgrounds.

7.   Colleges must hold down tuition fees to attract more students.

8.   These popular lectures once again attracted many students.

9.   The Faculty itself has an international profile, attracting both students and visiting academics from all over the world, giving it a truly cosmopolitan feel.

v. + student >>共 1011
kill 2.55%
arrest 2.40%
injure 2.14%
help 1.98%
attract 1.77%
teach 1.76%
include 1.74%
take 1.46%
send 1.44%
prepare 1.37%
attract + n. >>共 573
attention 12.46%
investor 6.40%
investment 5.69%
customer 3.90%
interest 2.53%
people 2.53%
buyer 1.98%
tourist 1.85%
support 1.68%
business 1.67%
student 1.19%
每页显示:    共 135